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Ejen Nodes are instructions you may use when building a code generator.

Node Summary
Node NameBrief Description
catch Catch node is very similar to the Java catch instruction.
choose Choose node is similar to the <xsl:choose> instruction.
depends Depends node provides a way to control a file generation by checking if its last modified time (LMT) is inferior to the maximum LMT of other files.
echo Echo node gives a way to print output messages.
ejen Ejen node is the root node for all generation process specification.
exec Exec node is intended to execute an XPath expression (only useful with some extensions).
filter Filter node is intended to provide an XSL transformation of an XML in memory input into an XML in memory output.
finally Finally node is very similar to the Java finally instruction.
foreach Foreach node is similar to the <xsl:for-each> instruction.
if If node is similar to the <xsl:if> instruction.
import Import node is similar to the <xsl:import> instruction.
include Include node is similar to the <xsl:include> instruction.
option Option node is a top-level only node (child of ejen) and may only appear before all other child nodes.
otherwise Otherwise node is similar to the <xsl:otherwise> instruction.
param Param node provides a way to pass a parameter to a stylesheet and may be only used as a child of a filter or a template nodes.
property Property node is an Ant specific node in Ejen: it gives a way to export a parameter in order to use it in any other Ant task.
remove Remove node allows to suppress XML sub-trees in the global, in memory, XML tree.
save Save node provides a way to serialize current XML node with all child nodes.
sax Sax node allows to switch to SAX mode and to use specialized XMLReaders.
source Source node is primarily intended to load an XML file in DOM mode.
template Template node is intended to provide an XSL transformation of an XML in memory input into an output file (whatever is the protocol in use).
try Try node is similar to the Java try statement.
variable Variable node allows to set global variables that can be accessed later both in the generation process (by using AVT expressions) and in filter or template stylesheet.
when When node is similar to the <xsl:when> instruction.

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