| <include> |
Include node is similar to the <xsl:include> instruction. It allows
to include an XSL stylesheet into another XSL stylesheet.
The only difference with the <xsl:include> instruction is that
Ejen include may use an AVT (Attribute Value Template) expression to
choose dynamically the included stylesheet.
<foreach select="data">
<filter uri="filter.xsl">
<include uri="{@include}.xsl"/>
... |
If we use the following XML tree structure,
<data include="java_include">
<data include="ada_include">
... |
a generic filter.xsl stylesheet will be applied to the current
XML node (ie: each data node) and a specific included stylesheet will be
used depending on the import attribute: java_include.xsl in the first
case, ada_include.xsl in the second case, etc.
Attribute Summary
Name | Default Value | Optional | Accepted Values |
cache | true | true | true | false | uri | | false | |
Attribute Detail
- cache
this attribute is always relative to an uri attribute
within the same node. It allows to enable or to disable cache use for
specific protocols (http protocol for example, if you have
implemented this protocol with cache support).
- uri
name of the file to be generated.
this is a generic input or output attribute. It is used as a content reference,
using a specific protocol:
file, http, ftp and jar protocols are
supported by default, but there is a way to plug in additional protocols
(see option node). If no protocol is
specified, file is used by default. An uri attribute, except
if it is absolute, is always relative to a base URI (see
ejen node). Note that all protocols are not
supposed to allow both reading and writing.