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Variable node allows to set global variables that can be accessed later both in the generation process (by using AVT expressions) and in filter or template stylesheet. Its implementation relies on the org.ejen.ext.ThreadGlobalVariables extension.
  <variable name="name-copy" select="@name"/>
  <echo message="Name was: {$name-copy}"/>

If you want to access variables in a stylesheet, you need to declare a "var" namespace bound to org.ejen.ext.ThreadGlobalVariables.
  <xsl:template match="doc">
      <xsl:value-of select="var:get('name-copy')"/>

See also exec.

Attribute Summary
NameDefault ValueOptionalAccepted Values
base true 
name false 
select false 

Attribute Detail
this is a generic block attribute that allows URI base redefinition: all uri attributes used in children nodes of this block will be relative to this new base definition (except if there is another child block node that redefines a new base). This is only a convenience attribute in order to simplify URI specifications. A base attribute must be a valid (well formed) URI, absolute or relative to another base definition.
name of the variable.
any valid XPath expression. Result of this expression evaluation will be placed as the current value of the variable. If this attribute is not set, result of the transformation made in child nodes will be the value of the variable.


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