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Otherwise node is similar to the <xsl:otherwise> instruction. It is used in a choose node after any number of when node. There must be at most one otherwise node and, if present, it must be the last child of a choose node. Children of this node are executed if and only if all evaluations of preceding when nodes are false. See example with choose node.

Attribute Summary
NameDefault ValueOptionalAccepted Values
base true 

Attribute Detail
this is a generic block attribute that allows URI base redefinition: all uri attributes used in children nodes of this block will be relative to this new base definition (except if there is another child block node that redefines a new base). This is only a convenience attribute in order to simplify URI specifications. A base attribute must be a valid (well formed) URI, absolute or relative to another base definition.

catch, choose, depends, echo, filter, finally, foreach, if, remove, save, sax, source, template, try, variable

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