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2003-09-30: DODS-5.1 uses Ejen-1.1 as its XML/XSLT code generation engine |
DODS-5.1 (Data Object Design Studio) has been released
on September, 2003 and integrates Ejen-1.1 for code generation purposes. DODS is an open source
O/R mapping tool, part of the Enhydra Open Source project,
and sponsored by the ObjectWeb Consortium.
2003-08-13: Ejen-1.1 is released |
Ejen system changes and updates:
A new depends node was added (controls file generation by comparing
last modified times of dependent files).
value attribute of the param node has been renamed to
select and now deals with XPath expressions instead of string literals.
Added support for
Oasis catalogs
in option node (thanks to Emil van Galen).
This new feature allows the use of local version of DTD files.
Several problems with relative paths (resolved against the base directory) have been
Ejen-1.1 is compatible with Xalan-2.5.1 (but
the reference version is 2.4.1, that is still distributed with Ejen binary release, even
if it is now included in Jdk-1.4.2).
Some other minor improvements added to the system and
its extensions.
An example was added that shows basic use of the new depends node (see
Many other examples have been improved or revamped.
Ejen nodes documentation was updated. There is still a
lake of documentation for extensions and specialized XMLReaders/DocumentBuilders:
you will need to download the source and look at the various examples to get further
informations. Current documentation is included in the binary distribution.
Eclipse Plug-In:
A basic Eclipse Plug-In for Ejen is now available as a separate download
ejen-eclipse-plugin-1.1.zip). Documentation on installation and usage is provided
by the about.html file included in the archive.