| |
Requirements |
Jdk 1.3.x distribution or newer
(see below important tips for Jdk distributions).
Linux system (or other Unices with a compatible Jdk) or Windows system. It should
also work with MacOS X (let me know).
A good computer.
Jdk1.4.2 tips |
Ejen is fully compatible with the Jdk1.4.2 distribution (that includes Xalan-2.4.1).
Jdk1.4.0 and Jdk1.4.1 tips |
Ejen does not work with the Xalan
distribution included into Jdk1.4.0/1 distributions. In order to use the new
Xalan-2.4.1 release with old Jdk-1.4.x versions, you should create a
<JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/endorsed directory and copy
<EJEN_HOME>/lib/xerces.jar and
<EJEN_HOME>/lib/xalan.jar in this endorsed directory:
the new version of Xalan will be available at a system-wide level.
Alternatively, you may use the
-Xbootclasspath/p: option.
Jdk1.3.x tips |
In order to use the new Xalan-2.4.1 release with old Jdk-1.3.x versions, you
should create a
<JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/ext directory and copy
<EJEN_HOME>/lib/xerces.jar and
<EJEN_HOME>/lib/xalan.jar in this ext directory:
the new version of Xalan will be available at a system-wide level.
Alternatively, you may use the
-Xbootclasspath/p: option.