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Option node is a top-level only node (child of ejen) and may only appear before all other child nodes. It may be used either in order to specify a namespace or in order to register a new protocol handler.
  <option name="namespace" value="var=org.ejen.ext.ThreadGlobalVariables"/>
  <option value="inv=http://www.ejen.org/ns/2002/invoice"/>
  <option name="handler" value="jdbc=org.ejen.protocols.jdbc.Handler"/>
  <option name="catalog" value="dtd/catalog.txt"/>

The first option instruction declares an extension namespace that may be used later in XPath expressions like var:remove('my-variable') (see exec node).
The second option instruction declares a namespace that may be used later in expressions like select="doc/inv:client". This is only useful if the "inv" namespace is not declared in the current XML node or in any ancestor of the current XML node. Suppose we load this kind of XML source:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

  <inv:client xmlns:inv="http://www.ejen.org/ns/2002/invoice">

If we use directly an expression like select="doc/inv:client" in an Ejen foreach node, this will fail since the current XML node is "doc" and this current node does not declare the "inv" namespace: namespace resolution is always relative to the current node and the "inv" namespace must be declared either in the current node or in any ancestor of this current node. If you do not understand the meaning of this feature, you probably do not need it...
The third option instruction declares a handler for a "jdbc" protocol. First, you must note that this "jdbc" protocol handler is not implemented in Ejen. If it was implemented, this declaration could be used later in expressions like uri="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1476?driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver&user=su&pass=&query=SELECT xmldata FROM xmltable WHERE id=1" or whatever (depending on how you have implemented this protocol handler). Again, if you do not understand the meaning of this feature, you probably do not need it...
The last option instruction declares an Oasis catalog for entity resolution. This can be very useful if you need to validate an XML file against a DTD without a network connection: with a catalog, you may use a local version of the DTD. You may have several option nodes with different catalogs.

Attribute Summary
NameDefault ValueOptionalAccepted Values
namenamespacetruenamespace | handler | catalog
value false 

Attribute Detail
either "namespace", "handler" or "catalog". If this attribute is not set, "namespace" is used as default.
any string with the format "[key]=[value]". Either a prefix-URI Namespace mapping if the name attribute is set to "namespace" or a prefix-handler class mapping if the name attribute is set to "handler".


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