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Choose node is similar to the <xsl:choose> instruction. It may have any number of when nodes and one optional and ending otherwise node.
<foreach select="compilation-unit">
    <when test="@language='Java'">
      <template save="{@name}.java" uri="java.xsl"/>
    <when test="@language='C' or @language='C++'">
      <template save="{@name}.c" uri="c.xsl"/>
      <template save="{@name}.txt" uri="other.xsl"/>

Using this choose block with a couple of when nodes and one otherwise node, we can apply different XSL templates to specific XML contents.

Attribute Summary
NameDefault ValueOptionalAccepted Values
base true 

Attribute Detail
this is a generic block attribute that allows URI base redefinition: all uri attributes used in children nodes of this block will be relative to this new base definition (except if there is another child block node that redefines a new base). This is only a convenience attribute in order to simplify URI specifications. A base attribute must be a valid (well formed) URI, absolute or relative to another base definition.

otherwise, when

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