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 2003-05-03: Ejen-1.1-pre3 is released
This is the new Ejen-1.1 candidate (should be the final one).
  1. Ejen system changes and updates:

    • A new exec node was added (allows any XPath expression execution).
    • "save" node has now a "serializer" attribute that allows writing output files in any kind of format (even binary, see org.ejen.transformers.binary.BinarySerializer and org.ejen.transformers.binary.BinarySerializerHandler as examples).
    • An XMLReader was added (org.ejen.readers.binary.BinaryReader) that allows binary file reading (transformed to a sequence of hexadecimal nodes in XML).
    • Another XMLReader was added (org.ejen.readers.cmd.CommandReader) that allows system specific command execution (stdout, stderr and exit code are returned in an XML tree).
    • Another XMLReader was added (org.ejen.readers.file.LineReader) that allows text file reading line by line (transformed to a sequence of line nodes in XML).
    • Ejen could not deal with stylesheets using XSL prefixe other than "xsl". This is now fixed (useful for XSL to XSL file generation).
    • Update to Antlr-2.7.2 (still patched in order to allow a "listener mode").
    • Some other minor improvements added to the system and its extensions.

  2. Examples:

    • An example was added that produces a native (or standalone, without the Ant interface) implementation of any Ejen generator (from an Ant build file that contains ejen tasks). See examples/advanced/native directory.
    • An example was added that shows a basic use of the "serializer" attribute of a "save" node and org.ejen.readers.binary.BinaryReader XMLReader. See examples/simple/binary directory.
    • Configuration instructions for the EJB-2.0 demonstration have been updated for JBoss-3.2.x distributions (see examples/ejb-2.0/bmp-jboss/[README or readme.html]).

  3. Documentation:

    • Not completed yet (see partial documentation here). Sorry.

 2003-03-14: Partial Documentation Update
You may have a look at one part of the incomming Ejen Reference Guide here. Only Ejen nodes are documented for now. Full documentation (along with extensions, XMLReaders, DocumentBuilders, etc.) will be available with the next release (ejen-1.1-pre3).
 2003-01-19: Ejen-1.1-pre2 is released
This is the new Ejen-1.1 candidate.
  1. Ejen system changes and updates:

    • Antlr is now used instead of JavaCC.
    • A version of JTidy is included for HTML parsing.
    • All file references are now URIs, with default support for file, http, ftp, and jar protocols (but you may plug in new protocols if you need access to special resources).
    • Many new "nodes" were added: sax (switch to sax mode), option, variable, try, catch, finally (to deal with exception that may occur during the generation process), property, echo, if, choose, when, otherwise, foreach. Each of them gives you a better control of the generation process.
    • Merge node has been suppressed. Instead, sax and source nodes have now a 'merge' attribute.
    • Full namespace support.
    • Validation.
    • Backup options (prevents file overwriting).
    • Ability to plug in specialized XMLReaders (within a sax node) and DocumentBuilders (within a source node).
    • Update to Xalan-2.4.1 and Ant-1.5.1.
    • Many other improvements and minor features added to the system and its extensions.

  2. Examples:

    • The EJB demo was completely rewritten, and now features 2.0 specification, DAO, JBoss-3.+ with Hypersonic SQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL support (and a much more easy way to switch to other database systems), and an XSL/servlet-based testing application (see screenshot).
    • Some other examples added or improved.

  3. Documentation:

    • No real documention yet, but you should be able to manage with the help of various READMEs included into the binary distribution (for installation and examples)...

 2002-05-16: Ejen-1.1-pre1 was released
This was a kind private release without any announcement...

 2002-04-29: Ejen-1.0.0 is released
This is the final Ejen-1.0 release.
  1. Ejen system changes:

    • The version number is now 1.0.0 (that's all).

  2. Examples:

    • PostgreSQL port of the EJB 1.1 demonstration has been added (thanks to Joseph Rajkumar).

  3. Documentation:

 2002-04-08: Ejen-1.0-pre3 is released
This is the new Ejen-1.0 candidate (I NEED FEEDBACK).
  1. Major changes:

    • Ejen now works with Jdk1.4 (thanks to Joseph Rajkumar who discovered this problem).
    • The org.ejen.ext.FileUtil extension includes now a (recursive) directory listing method.

  2. Examples:

    • JSP generation has been updated in the EJB 1.1 demonstration: table rows are not anymore displayed all at once (previous/next buttons, etc.).
    • New example of batch generation has been added (thanks to a Gary Zuo suggestion).

  3. Documentation:

    • Documentation has been updated.

 2002-03-29: Ejen-1.0-pre2 is released
This is the future Ejen-1.0 release (I NEED FEEDBACK).
  1. Major changes:

    • Ejen uses now a (modified) Java parser generated by JavaCC in order to convert any Java source file into a DOM tree. This parser may serve as an example in the development of other "text file to DOM" extensions.
    • A very basic language (ARL or "Array Language") has been added to Ejen. This language allows customization of DOM trees in a "text file to DOM" extension.
    • Almost all String values in Ejen nodes and extensions parameters are now AVTs (Attribute Values Templates): this allows more flexibility.
    • The source tree of Ejen has been modified (extensions are in a special package).

  2. Examples:

    • All examples (including the EJB 1.1 demonstration) are now available as a separate download: this will allow specific updates.
    • The EJB 1.1 demonstration has been updated to support the new Java parser: changes only affect home/remote interfaces and JSP generation.
    • Other examples have been added and may be used as a tutorial.

  3. Documentation:

    • Documentation is now available (online and as a separate download) for the Ejen system and the EJB 1.1 demonstration.
Mes excuses à tous ceux qui lisent le français, je n'ai pas le courage de maintenir une version bilingue de ce site.

 2002-02-22: Ejen-1.0-pre1 is released
Initial release.


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